News & Information

University Games 2007

Jan. 27, 2007

The 2007 NZ University Rowing Championships will be held from 10-12 April at Lake Hood, Ashburton. On 10 April the Mens' and Womens' Senior Eights will be raced, respectively. These two races will be held on the Waimakariri River. Trials for NZ Universities' crews will be held on 13 April at Lake Hood

Otago will be looking to send a strong team and continue our dominance of recent years. Crews will be boated in all classes from Senior to Novice. As in recent years, trials are likely to be held for Senior and Intermediate crews.

The first meeting for Novice rowers will be at the clubrooms, Saturday 24 February, 8AM

The first meeting for Senior and Intermediate rowers will be at the clubrooms, Monday 26 March, 7PM

The Sign-Up day for all rowers will be at Clubs & Societies (84 Albany St.), Wednesday 21 February, 9AM - 3PM

Rowers who have not previously rowed at OURC are encouraged to fill in the recruitment form on this site.

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