News & Information

Agm And Prizegiving

Oct. 24, 2010

The OURC AGM and prizegiving was held on thursday night. Several changes were made to the committee with new members added while others changed rolls.

The new committee members are:

Mens Captain: Alistair Bond
Marketing Manager: Jamie Saunders
Events: Leigh Johnstone
General Committee: Todd Hale and Kate French

Those changing rolls are:

Sarah Lindley: from Events to Womens Captain
Amanda Thompson: From Social to Treasurer
James Harvey: from Plant Manager to General Committee
Michael Dessoulavy: from Marketing Manager to Plant Manager
Mark O'Connor: from Mens Captain to Social Rowing

Keeping their previous rolls are:

Patron: Eion Edgar
John Price: President
CEO: Glen Sinclair
Aynsley Moore: Secretary
William Hyndman: Events

As I am changing rolls it is likely this will be my last web post. From now on Jamie will be bringing you the OURC news and should be approached in regards to items on this site. Be on the lookout for a new website in the future. Michael out.

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